I know you are like Girl! I already know what to say to her. Well these are things I want to share of how maybe to reword that question so it doesn't bring your sweet friend to tears. Opening up my journey on social media and through this blog means I open myself up for a lot of unsolicited advice and comments. I get to choose how much of my ... View Post
Diagnosis: Infertile
March 2019: Diagnosis: Infertile The face of someone struggling with infertility Hearing those words hit harder than any Endo flare or ruptured cyst pain. Even though I knew it was always a possibility, I still was not expecting to see those words on my medical records. For 11 years I have been doing everything I could to keep my body as ... View Post
Ava Fertility Tracker
If you've been following my fertility journey on Instagram then you know I was gifted the Ava bracelet in December to increase our chances of conceiving. I wanted to use the Ava bracelet because they are backed by Swiss science to give you a closer look into what is going on inside your body and your fluctuating hormones. They are able to determine ... View Post
Baby Making, the struggle is real
This is the most raw and emotional post for me yet. I’m just sharing my journey, heartbreaks and all. I’m just sharing my journey so far 10+ years in the making . I wanted this to be a happy, upbeat post, but it is not. I am having to face with the realization that as much as I want to be a mother, that may not happen... Infertility has ... View Post
Baby Making, the struggle is real
This is the most raw and emotional post for me yet. I’m just sharing my journey, heartbreaks and all. I’m just sharing my journey so far 10+ years in the making . I wanted this to be a happy, upbeat post, but it is not. I am having to face with the realization that as much as I want to be a mother, that may not happen... Infertility has ... View Post