I still can’t believe that I get to say that I am pregnant. If you’ve been following my journey for awhile then you know our TTC took almost 3 years before our first BFP (big fat positive), only for us to lose our baby shortly after we saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks. We then got pregnant again 3 months later only to say goodbye before 6 weeks. So to be almost to 12 weeks feels like the biggest blessing, and time is seriously flying by.
To those still in waiting, our hearts go out to you. TTC and trying to expand your family is not always an easy or straight path.
I’ve had so many questions about our little rainbow so here we go.
When did I find out:
I found out at 3 weeks and 2 days. I was not planning on testing early but I was showing three of clear pregnancy symptoms. Naps during the day, craving eggs, and being very clumsy. So I tested early and it was a big surprise.
How did I tell Matt:
The past two pregnancies I found out when Matt was at work so I was able to set up a cute “You’re a Dad” display. The first time was with Mom and Dad mugs and our puppy wearing Big Brother bandana. The second time it was right before St. Patrick’s day and me being Irish I set up gold coins on our countertops leading up to a Pot of Gold Onesie and the positive pregnancy test. This time I decided to test on a Sunday afternoon since I was having clear symptoms for me. I took the test and had it flipped down, I told Matt to flip it over but to not expect it to be positive since it was so early. He flipped it over and we saw the faintest second line. So I tested again the next morning, I was so tired I didn’t even wait to see what happened, I went back to bed so Matt saw the line got darker, I continued to test until the day before my missed period when it was a Clear Dark positive. So this time Matt didn’t get a cute announcement but I’m glad we found out at the same time. We’ve been manifesting our family for some time so it felt right to find out at the same time.
Did we do anything different:
No, I’ve been on the same supplements for months, as was Matt. These supplements were recommend by my OBYN and ND, based on our bodies, and fertility. We eat a very organic diet, and have a non-toxic household. We made a big effot to detoxify our home prior to TTC because we wanted to give our best effort at having a healthy baby. Our baby was conceived naturally as IVF is not an option for my body. All the tests I’ve done have come back as we are healthy and there is no reason we shouldn’t have a healthy baby. So this time I believe its just a great egg and great sperm that created our sweet rainbow.
Do the dogs know:
I think the dogs know, Bentley got dog aggressive immediately on walks. And they both want to be near me all the time and want to lay on my belly.
Have I changed my exercise routine:
Yes, I started modifying actually before I found out I was pregnant because I was so exhausted. I get out of breathe very fast so I have been doing Tone It Up Prenatal program, and since it is pretty hot out very early in the morning I’ve been doing the elliptical or peloton rides for 20-30 mins a few days a week. Yes I am modifying my rides, I’m just listening to my body and waiting for that second trimester energy people keep telling me is coming. I might switch to another prenatal program as the TIU one is pretty repetitive. My goal is to do 3-4 days of weights or yoga and 2-3 days of “cardio”. When the weather gets nicer I know I’ll be out more for walks but this Arizona Summer Heat is kicking this pregnant booty. Edit: I have switched to doing KimPerryco workouts. They are under 20 mins and I like the format, quick, effective and safe for pregnancy. The reason I chose her workouts were that she has safe core workouts to help strengthen my pelvic core safely to help during labor. I was very active prior to pregnancy, and as long as it is safe I plan on having an active pregnancy. My doctor does not have me back off at a certain heart rate, but more so listen to my body and not go all out. Please remember everyone is different and should consult their doctor as far as what limitations they have during pregnancy.
What Symptoms have I been having:
So I’ve had the typical pregnancy symptoms and they started about 3 ½ weeks of me being pregnant. The exhaustion started at 3 weeks on the dot, nausea and headaches came about a ½ week later. Strong sense of smell, which I hate because honestly the world stinks. So I’m thankful I am home all day. My boobs are very sore and sensitive, it is an all day thing. Only a few bras are comfortable and going braless is not an option with these melons. Food aversions were next. My major food aversions are seeing anything raw before being cooked, so I have not been able to cook at all really this pregnancy unless you count fixing up a salad as cooking. Caffeinated coffee, is also on the no no list, but decaf is just fine. I can eat meat if it comes cooked from a restaurant. Cravings change daily, and tend to be if I see someone having it, now I have to have it. But my most common cravings are Blue Sky Organics Strawberries (yes specifically this farms strawberries), Italian Salad, Poke Bowls (haven’t had it), Soda, Thai food, Carne Asada, soup, and sour candies (especially watermelon).
Nausea tips:
First trimester is a lot like a hangover, it is brutal, it is all about survival. You are trying not to throw up all day, you want comfort foods, you probably have a headache and are wondering why you did this. Although I’ve had nausea, mine has not been too bad. I have a remedy from my Naturopath that helps, and I’m also using pregnancy pops with b6. But when I wake up with a super sour stomach I have some gluten free crackers (Simple Mills) or gluten free pretzels, Then I eat something with protein in it. The biggest thing that I think helps is LEMON WATER, fresh lemon water with either water or sparkling water, it really helps settle my stomach, if that doesn’t work then my go to is Sprite. I am not a soda drinker but the first trimester is all about survival. My go to breakfast is either Protein Pancakes, or Greek yogurt and Strawberries. Something easy and quick because I need to eat ASAP and I’m not used to that. For a lot of people they need plain carbs and that works for them. For me it doesn’t it will end up making me more nauseous, I need substance so adding in a protein helps. My nausea gets worse if I have an empty stomach, so yes I’ve eaten a snack in the middle of the night because I was hungry. Do what works best for you and play around with carbs and proteins to see what helps you. A lot of my breakfasts are leftovers because I can reheat them and eat fast. Also small meals throughout the day instead of bigger meals help, don’t let your stomach get empty. Just remember the first trimester is about survival, so don’t stress if veggies make your stomach curl, or all you can handle is takeout like me. You have plenty of time to give your baby all the nutrients they need.
Will our House be ready before or after baby:
We should be moved into our new house by the end of the year, and baby is expected to be here in February so we have some time to get settled before baby comes. But we are so excited to bring Baby K into our new home, I already had baby’s room picked out before we even knew we were pregnant because I just knew that we’d be bringing a baby home soon after we moved in.
Do we know the gender:
We do not know the gender yet, We have a strong feeling that it is a girl. We’ve had that feeling since before we found out we were pregnant. A few days before we found out I told Matt that I had a feeling our first baby will be a girl. According to the Chinese calendar it is a girl, and according to the heartbeat being over 140 it is a girl, we haven’t done all the other wives tales but we plan on doing those before we find out the gender. We are excited either way, we are just so happy that baby is growing and thriving. We are doing the NIPT testing at 12 weeks, and then I’ll have my doctor put the gender in an envelope and we will figure out how we want to find out from there. All we really want is a healthy thriving baby, finding out the gender is super exciting since we were unable to find out on our previous pregnancies.
Pregnancy after miscarriage:
How am I doing with being pregnant after my miscarriages. For the most part I am doing good, I’m excited, I’m happy, and I feel so thankful to be pregnant and see my baby grow. Of course I am nervous since I’ve had losses. Going back to my doctors office where we found out our December baby had lost their heartbeat was very traumatic for me. Even getting the initial HCG testing I was having anxiety attacks until I could see the results. Going in for ultrasounds are still scary, but now that I’ve hit the 12 week milestone I’m able to breathe better now. We had HCG levels ran at the same gestational age as I was in March and seeing the first number of 1080 was so exciting, and seeing our baby’s numbers more than double gave us the strength and confidence to believe that this is the baby that we will be meeting. One thing about HCG levels is to not worry about the number itself but that they should be doubling every 24 hours until they reach about 6,000. My HCG level at 4w3d was 1080, at 4w5d it was 2810, and at 5w0d it was 7297. Our baby has had strong heartbeats, the first was 143bpm, which I took as our baby telling us that they loved us, the second was 176bpm. A strong heartbeat was the sweetest sound we’ve ever heard. I’m very thankful our doctor allows us to record the ultrasounds because whenever I get scared I can listen to that video of the heartbeat and remember that our baby’s heart is still beating. I can’t wait to feel baby move and kick, I know that will help me a lot with my anxiety. Pregnancy after miscarriage is hard, it’s scary, you overthink everything and the worst is you can’t control anything. Everyone can tell me all the things that they think will help, but it doesn’t help. There is no safe period in pregnancy, which is the worst thing of all. So I choose to celebrate every milestone, every week, every appointment we make it too. If you are pregnant after loss I’m here for you, I’m here with you. For me staying off forums helps, I don’t over google my symptoms, or lack of them as they are fading. One day I’m nauseous, the next I’m not, I’m getting close to my second trimester and I know thats just the “honeymoon” period is coming. And let me tell you I can’t wait to have some energy again.
Measuring 10weeks Baby’s heart beat is 176bpm
Thank you for all your congratulations and positive vibes for our sweet Rainbow Baby K. I can’t wait to share all the things that keep coming with pregnancy. XOXO
3 weeks Pregnant 5 weeks Pregnant 6 weeks Pregnant 7 weeks Pregnant 8 weeks Pregnant 9 weeks Pregnant Size of a cherry 10 weeks Pregnant 11 weeks Pregnant
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